Saturday, May 26, 2012


I have to say I was the girl that everyone had something to say about,
I had friends and family say:
Man Rosa needs to slow down
Did you hear Rosa left with her boyfriend?
Rosa parents moved her away cause shes having a baby @ 14 years old
She is having a
She is always out at parties
She is doing all kind of DRUGS...LOL....
She's sleeping with

Its funny how I just sat there and never said anything
maybe cause I didn't care and it didn't bother me
Maybe cause it wasn't true.... Who knows I was so young
I can tell you what was true
I did do drugs but not all and not till I was 18 years old
I did leave with my husband but not cause I was going to have a baby
I did party alot
I was not having a baby at 14 or 17 years old
My parents did move me to Eagle Pass cause I wanted to move & have my 15 in Mexico
I can say I can count how many guys I slept with in ONE HAND
It's just funny how people can make up so many stories without knowing what was really going on
All I ever heard was, "I don't want you to hang out with ROSA shes a bad girl!"
But I have to say I have no regrets I don't have to say I wish I knew what would had happen if I did that.
However I did make good and bad choices but I never wanted to make a choice that I would have to look back at and said man why did I do that....

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

There will be good and bad times

Life can get good as well as bad
There will be good and bad friends
Some friends will stay and some will go
Unlike family will always stay
Family is like a good book you can't let go, you can always come back to it
You have thoes who will get under your skin but always love them

In life you will learn that no matter who you think you can trust you really can't
I learned that no matter how of a close friend you have they will stop talking to you
That person will never understand how you feel or why you did it
Just know that no matter what happens in life you will be there praying that things get better
I always say that no matter how much I hate or dislike someone, I will never wish them bad only good